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  • HOME | PT. HTI

    PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia General Contractor Expert View Materials Catalog PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia General Contractor • Suplier • Maintenance Service PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia has developed into a trusted company both in manufacturing and construction since its establishment in 2014. With a team professional, experienced, and certified according to expertise in various types of work in the field of Fabrication & construction who can work to increase productivity and market cost effectiveness. "PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia is fully committed to providing the needs for customers as service providers, supplying innovative materials, competitive and with international standards. " Mr. Minoru Kikuchi - Managing Director Learn More WHY CHOOSE US Professional Each project is carried out by an experienced and certified team according to their expertise. Expert in the field Improving the quality of products and services through development with Technology and Construction. Cooperation Commitment PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia Upholds business ethics as a strong foundation in working together. Competent Keeping products and services at is a top priority. Through ISO supervision conducted by PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia ensures that customers get the best products and services beyond their expectations. LINE OF BUSSINES The best products and services to meet customer needs according to with ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 certifications Steel Structure Tank Operation & Maintenance Engineering Construction Man Power Supply Pipping Installation Mechanical Erection & Installation Civil Work Steel Structure Tank Operation & Maintenance Engineering Construction Man Power Supply Pipping Installation Mechanical Erection & Installation Civil Work Steel Structure Tank Operation & Maintenance Engineering Construction Man Power Supply Pipping Installation Mechanical Erection & Installation Civil Work Steel Structure Tank Operation & Maintenance Engineering Construction Man Power Supply Pipping Installation Mechanical Erection & Installation Civil Work Steel Structure Tank Operation & Maintenance Engineering Construction Man Power Supply Pipping Installation Mechanical Erection & Installation Civil Work OUR JOB TESTIMONI PT. OTE Engineering Indonesia on Refinery Expantion Project at PT. Smelting PT. Intan Ustix on Repair Girder of Raw Material Warehouse Door Project PT. Eco Oils on Additional Company Filter Press Project WE WORK BELOW

  • Employee Gallery | PT. HTI

    Basic Mentality Training Activities at Hotel Khas Gresik, 02 July 2022 To produce superior, skilled and professional Human Resources. In a business at the company there are factors of production, namely inputs and outputs that can affect the business. One of the factors of production is humans or employees. Quality of employees or Human Resources will affect the contribution of company performance. PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia realizes how important this factor of production is, with that the company organizes various educational activities, training for its human resources or employees. This activity is expected to improve employee soft skills which in turn can improve employee work ethic, foster a spirit of teamwork and be able to adapt to changes related to the direction of company policies to achieve its vision and mission. Employee Gallery

  • Business Support | PT. HTI

    Business Support The main business supporter of PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia are as follows: 1. Human Resources PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia maintains its human resources. Skilled, professional and multitalented people with a very strong commitment to development. With these valuable human resources, we believe we are able to improve service to our customers. 2. Quality Control - Quality Assurance The company is highly committed to meeting the needs of its customers through better construction and manufacturing solutions. Our commitment to meet the needs of our customers include excellence, growth, long term and use value. 3. Technology & Software The company has used the latest technology and software for use in design, fabrication and project management work. PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia is company engaged in business construction, supply of materials and goods consumable. HEADQUARTERS SERVICE TYPE ADDRESS Jl. Raya Sukomulyo KM.23 Manyar, Gresik (61151) East Java - Indonesia PHONE +62 031 3951828 FAX +62 31 3951838 E-MAIL Factory Conveyor Ducting Dust Cooler Tank Construction Structure Engineering Design Maintenance Job Civil Works

  • HR Development | PT. HTI

    HR Development PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia continues to pay attention to the development of skills and knowledge of Human Resources. In creating quality, superior and professional Human Resources PT. Hikari provides facilities in the following activities: 1. Existence of Extension Program 2. Training of each skill competency 3. Socialization and Seminar 4. Gathering and Outing And some Other Skills Programs With this activity, we (PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia) strive to advance the skills and knowledge of our employees to become more competent so that we are able to produce quality and highly competitive products in the production market.

  • Organization Chart | PT. HTI

    Organization Chart Updated 22 July 2022

  • CSR | PT. HTI

    CSR PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia realizes that the company has a social responsibility towards the surrounding environment. Therefore PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia runs a CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility program. CSR funds are obtained from setting aside 2% from company profits which will be spent in the form of procurement/improvement of public facilities, basic necessities, religion or in the form of fresh funds distributed as educational assistance. Our CSR objectives are: 1. Maintain and improve the image of the company 2. Creating a conducive and harmonious environment between the company and communities around the company's activities 3. Strengthening the “Brand” of the company 4. Develop good relations with stakeholders (stakeholders) 5. Differentiating the company from its competitors 6. Generate innovation and learning to increase company influence

  • CSR Gallery | PT. HTI

    CSR Gallery Berbuka Puasa & Berbagi di bulan Ramadhan Berbuka Puasa & Berbagi di bulan Ramadhan 1/1 Religious activities carry out the month of Ramadan by breaking the fast with local residents, providing compensation to orphans and poor people. Berbagi sembako Berbagi sembako 1/1 PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia also cares for the surrounding community by distributing basic food items to the community around the company's environment. Ramadhan Berbagi Takjil Ramadhan Berbagi Takjil 1/1 In the month of Ramadan, we participate in sharing takjil to break the fast for motorists who pass through the company's traffic area. Penyerahan Hewan Qurban Penyerahan Hewan Qurban 1/1 In commemoration of Eid al-Adha, PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia handed over the Sacrificial Animals to one of the Islamic Boarding School Foundations in Gresik Regency.


    Follow our social media accounts on Instagram @hikaritechnology and Facebook, LinkeDin PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia to get more complete news information. Gallery & News

  • Company Gallery | PT. HTI

    Company Gallery Head Office PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia is located at Jl. Raya Sukomulyo Km.23 Manyar, Gresik. By carrying the purple color which has the meaning of prosperity and glory for the continuity of its business wheels. PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia also has workshop facilities for working on its business fields which are divided into 3 locations namely Workshop 1, Workshop 2, and Workshop 3. PT. Hikari Technology Indonesia Workshop 1 is located at the Head Office of PT. Hikari Technology Indonesia Workshop 2 is at PT. Optima Power Enersol

  • Internship | PT. HTI

    Internship Opportunity at PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia


    Our Product Berikut beberapa pekerjaan yang telah kami kerjakan Maintenance of PT.Smelting Project maintenance di PT. Smelting mulai kami kerjakan dari 2015 hingga sekarang. area-area yang mesinnya kami perbaiki mulai dari area smelter, casting, acid plant, dan refinery. pekerjaan perbaikan dan perawatan yang kami lakukan mulai dari cleaning, welding, fabrikasi, hingga instalasi. Installation, Demolish, Modification & Heavy Equipment work for replacement of Concentrate Dryer Proyek ini kami kerjakan tahun 2022, berlokasi di PT. Smelting sebagai sub contractor dari PT. OTE Engineering Indonesia. Pekerjaan yang kami kerjakan mulai dari drawing, fabrikasi, sampai instalasi di PT. Smelting Fabrication and Installation Plant water Tank. Proyek sipil ini berfokus pada desain struktur tangki dari klien PT. OTE Engineering Indonesia. berlokasi di area Plant PT Smelting. Dalam proyek ini kami mengerjakan mulai dari fabrikasi sampai instalasi pada tahun 2021 Refinery Expantion Building Di area refinery PT Smelting Indonesia di bawah naungan PT OTE Engineering Indonesia kami mengerjakan banyak proyek konstruksi sipil dan mekanikal. Untuk proyek konstruksi sipil, kami mengerjakan Refinery Expansion Project Building Construction, New Cathode Building, Replace of Sub Grade, New Asphalt Road for Parking of Container & Reinstallation of Existing Hydrant Pole, Relocation Fresh Air Fan, Chicken Mesh for Wall & Window, dan Foundation of Cathode Rack. Dan untuk proyek-proyek mekanikal itu di antaranya, ada Mechanical Work for Additional Commercial Cell, Cathode Rack, Modification Walkway, Modification Handrail & Water Basin, Platform ECT Pump Area, dan Modification Stairway. Proyek-proyek tersebut mulai kami kerjakan pada bulan Januari 2022 kemarin untuk konstruksi sipilnya dan bulan Februari 2023 untuk pekerjaan mekanikalnya, sampai desember 2023 dengan melibatkan kurang lebih 900 man power. Foundation of Acid Storage Tank 10.000KL Proyek ini merupakan proyek sipil yang kami kerjakan pada tahun 2022 kami kerjakan dibawah PT. Ote Engineering Indonesia yang berlokasi di PT. Smelting.

  • Profile | PT. HTI

    Beranda -> Profil perusahaan ( Sejarah Perusahaa) Profile PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia was established on November 6, 2014 in accordance with Notary Deed Number 01 with Notary Drs. Mokhammad Husni Thamri, SH,. M.Kn dated November 6, 2014 regarding the establishment and change of name to "PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia or abbreviated as PT HTI with the business fields of general contractor, labor, supplier of consumables. PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia always makes the best efforts to meet customer needs consistently with continuous improvement programs. PT Hikari Teknologi Indonesia has also obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certification for its quality management system, and has successfully implemented an occupational safety and health management system in accordance with the laws enacted by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on Occupational Health and Safety and the management system ISO 45001 : 2018. Strive to be consistent with the support of skilled, dedicated, professional, and experienced personnel. So that PT. Hikari Teknologi Indonesia has been trusted by several national companies. We strive to provide comprehensive solutions to the construction business, supplai materials, consumer goods, industrial machinery manufacturing business that we have. Project Water tank 10.000KL Project Water tank 10.000KL Project Water tank 10.000KL Project Water tank 10.000KL 1/3

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